Palatina hooligans burned the Kalmit cottage!

Maychamber 3rd. September

300 Hooligans from the Palatina Wine-Mountains burned the Kalmit cottage. Marauding gangs klapp bikers  destroyed property at will as they made off with anything they could carry. With tensions mounting, anyone caught in the chaos was treated with suspicion as bricks and bottles continued to fly through the sky.

The police reported 264 Kings, 25 Queens and 11 Tandems that were involved in the riot.

The first queen who has been caught was „Eva Katz“, the frist King was „My dear Linksabbieger“,

The complete list of all hooligans and the time they have been caught by the police:

Please be patient – fotos will be available soon!

However, the police is still looking for foto and film material to get hold of the hooligans. Please contact



2 Kommentare

  1. Hi you great makers of this exceptional event!
    this was on of the most outstanding events I’ve ever participated and we will surely come back next year!
    Greetings back to Royal Earl from the Right Rhine Side
    Dolly 4

  2. Tanks to all the hooligan leaders ( for organizing the great riots. You’re the Best. All autonomists from left right and top whant you for president to to descend into anarchy.
    Greetings to all aother prestigious and first part taker klapp chaotics and of course to the doll dollys.
    See you next year. I’ll promise to stay then until the last bike klapps together.

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