And the Motto 2011 is: Welcome to the Royal Klapp

Hello Together,

The down-tuning is over – you have voted the motto for 2011:

Welcome to the Royal Klapp - Motto 2011
Welcome to the Royal Klapp - Motto 2011

The same procedure as every year: we will bicycle the Kalmit high, but watch out the left hand traffic. We will meet at May-Chamber-Palace around tea time. All clap-wheel driver are warmly welcome to the Royal Klapp. We will celebrate the 20th anniversary  of the Royal Klamit Klapprad Cup 2011. The red carpet will be  uprolled for all the prominent lady’s and gentlemen. Prince Schorles is he-waited and we expect lots of klapparazzi. However, only real British starters (including the Commonwealth) are considered as real parttakers.

Nothing for ungood – The Race conduction

26 Kommentare

  1. Hi,

    has the chain to be sausaged (gewurstelt) to the left and do I have to use blue grease?

    On again-seeing at the Before-Palatinate summit, you blue-blooded in-breeders!

  2. Do you need London wet-wet-wet silky noppy yellow banana taste? I have a few fer umme from my former girl friend and I will give them to you for a little Zeitgutschrift from lets say 2 minutes, isn’t it?

  3. Dear Klapper Pschorr,

    befor sinking of a nuu Kleidung ei wuud först of all like to recommend a nuu name – Klapper Pschorr is a ferry aggly one. Ser is ruum to improve!!

    All se best
    Emma Peel

  4. Well i was verry glücklich but ik habe noch null the plan was for a Kleidung ik brauche.
    But if will jemand help then can er or sie mir this sagen.
    Thank you in the Future

    Mc Klappel Lord of Flap

  5. How about a



    The joy bevore ist the best joy 🙂
    Vorfreed is die schenschd Freed 🙂

  6. @Alm-Öi

    If we look sometimes what the equipment so on it has.

    Please me already about the dance to the Kalmitgipfel.

    A nice time till then.

    Mr. Mr.

  7. ladies & gentlemen,

    I will get my new tunig-klappi this week from my local dealer.
    it is an old-school frame with new nasa-high-tech-parts!
    then you can dress you warm on…
    …and I will start my training the next month at the kalmit.

    watch out for klappi-traffic!


  8. I am also empöred that another frog wrote an after-maked comment in my name (at Dec. 12th). *squeek*

  9. I am shocked! Someone wrote faked comments under my name (at Dec. 11th). The only genuine Pleasure-Wheeler Wulfwalk is me!

  10. Gott Save the Queen und Gott sei Dank haben wir doch noch ein gutes feierliches Motte zum 20. KKC.
    Als Dirigent des Südpfälzer Wildsautreiberclub „Sus scrofa musica“ und Komponist der Werke „Porcus Stressus“, „Pig-Nick“,“Die Wildsau im Speyergau“, „Alle Tage Wildsauplage“, Schnitzel-Fritzl“, „Uzi für Wutzi“ und vielen anderen Werken, hoffe ich natürlich auch, dass zu diesem Anlass auch die Musik entsprechend feierlich gewählt wird.

  11. Pretty good choise. The event of the year is comming nearer. The whole will look at the small palatinate town.

  12. Hello Together,

    unfortunately, the thread has torn from me here completely and I can make no more rhyme to myself on this event.

    Therefore I asked my friend (44), my daughter (5), my lawyer (49), my tax adviser (35), the son of my best friend (23) to explain my grandfather (82) around help to me this.
    None of these people could explain to me anyhow what has it with the vote and the motto on itself.

    Nevertheless, two ideas seemed to me very plausibly.

    „The subject was manipulated by hackers and the motto leads on a topical situation.
    Would be nice if to me somebody a small explanation could give whether we lie with these theses properly and I, nevertheless, still enough taste get in this running to take part.

    LG Mr.Mr.

  13. Hello and a good day to the Pälzers from Sir Higgins and Lady Margery from the most succesly little land into Great Germany. Many thanks for the wonderful new theme and we love it to come together with the other klapp wheel friends out of the world.
    We come und we will win.
    Higgins and Lady Margery

  14. Too first you have to go over the red carped with your nice little clap-wheel. Then please line-up for the start my dear.

  15. HÄÄÄÄ? Die Wahl ist doch noch gar nich vorbei.. und das Motto gabs gar nich… SCHIEBUNG .. Wer will den schon ein Brite sein- die Inselaffen !

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